Directions & Ingredients
1. Thoroughly wash your hands and take one EmpressBody™ Detox pearl
2. Pull out the string of the EmpressBody™ Detox pearl, keep a small amount outside of vagina so it is easy to find after 2/3 day detox is over
3. Insert the detox pearl inside vagina approximately 7 cm deep ( as deep as your middle finger can push it) - Only insert Onepearl.
4. You must remove the detox pearl no later than 3 days,though some women remove after 2 days after seeing results.
5. One EmpressBody™ Detox pearls can be used for 2-3 days
6. Clean vagina with warm water
7. Insert next detox pearl 24 hours after removing the first oneAdittional information
Some itching, mild burning and cramping may happen. For the majority these symptoms pass quickly. For a full detox 6 pearls are recommended, and these should be used as instructed in steps 1 - 7. Let your discharge come out naturally, Some might want to douche to help get rid of the toxins faster, but I recommend letting the toxins come out on their own. Douching is not healthy in my book. For further information you can consult our FAQ section, or email our customer service team, if your concern is not answered.
Main Ingredients
Refined from Osthol, Stemona sessilifolia , Kochiascoparia, motherwort, Rhizoma smilacis glabrae, Angelica, Rhizoma chuianxiong and borneol.
Osthole/ Cnidium- increases sexual libido,fertility and clears skin, also good for infections or any bacteria build up.
Stemona sessilifolia- helps regulate blood flow around womb while killing parasites, helps to relax tension in uterine muscles which can cause menstrual cramps for women with endometriosis.
Kochia Scoparia- anti fungal effect, eases itching and problematic urination.
Motherwort - helps to regulate menstrual cycle while removing toxins around the perineum area.
Rhizoma smilacis- anti-flammatory properties, expels toxins, alleviates pain, helps to treat gonorrhoea.
Angelica- known for its use in treating menopause,cramps and PMS. Useful to end hot flashes, also seen as a natural aphrodisiac.
Rhizoma chuianxiong- important ingredient for gynaecological disorders, eliminates cold pathogens in the vagina, promotes blood circulation, helps with blood stasis.
Borneol- very rare herb,reduces pain and hot flashes, plays an important role in severe disease also while tightening vaginal muscles.